HCC Ph.D. alumni who graduated in 2020:
Zane Cochran Sucheta Ghoshal Jessica Pater Ian Stewart Brianna Tomlinson Rui Zhou |
Select a name to learn more. Jessica PaterGraduated 2020 Advisor Dr. Elizabeth Mynatt Area Social Computing Research Interests Understanding how technology can be used to positively impact social and emotional wellness and exploring impacts of technology on self-harm and other psychosocial disorders Ian StewartGraduated 2020 Advisor Dr. Jacob Eisenstein Area Social Computing Research Interests Computational social science, natural language processing Brianna TomlinsonGraduated 2020 Advisor Dr. Bruce Walker Lab Sonification Area Human-Computer Interaction Contact Email Research Interests My current work is studying how to use auditory displays and sonifications (non-speech audio) to support glanceability and how these displays could also provide overviews of complex information and systems. Dissertation Title Measuring the Effect of User Experience and Engagement on Learning Using Interactive Simulations Rui ZhouGraduated 2020 Advisor Dr. Betsy DiSalvo Area Human-Computer Interaction Research Interests I'm interested in the relationship between culture and technology. Specifically, I focus on how people communicate through social media/instant messengers, how they appropriate these technologies, and how such technologies affect these people. |